How to Screen Visitors and Staff entering Residential Aged Care Facilities.
Effective 1 May 2020, all residential aged care facilities are facing new requirements to limit visits and screen both visitors and employees.
We provide a simple list of steps you can take to bring your facility into compliance and explain how iPRO can help.
1. Set up a Centralised Entry Point Eliminate alternative entrances and use signs to direct visitors and staff to a single point of entry.
There should be a staff member continuously monitoring this point and screening everyone entering the premises.
2. Create & Implement a Screening Process The details of your COVID-19 screening process may vary depending on state and territory requirements and legal obligations. Some recommended components are listed below.
Standard Screening Questions: If the answer to any of the screening questions is “Yes”, the matter should be quickly escalated to a decision maker before allowing the person to enter.
Here are some suggested questions:
– Have you been overseas or travelled on a cruise ship in the last 14 days? – Have you been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days? – Are you in close contact with or caring for someone who is currently unwell? – Have you currently or within the last 7 days been unwell or been aware of any of the following symptoms:
Fever, night sweats or chills
Running nose
Sore or scratchy throat
Shortness of breath
Temperature Test: To go along with the standard questions, an infra-red temperature detection “gun” device can be used to detect fever. Even a low-grade fever can indicate infection.
Hand Sanitation Station & PPE: Where possible, provide hand sanitizer and/or face masks (if available) to staff and visitors as they enter the premises.
3. Keep Records It’s always important to have a paper trail. By adding simple steps to your screening process such as providing the screening questions as a form, recording the results of temperature tests, and collecting signatures, you can create accessible files that will let you quickly verify compliance in the event of an outbreak or audit.
4. Reinforce Hygiene Standards & Precautions Even as facilities are quickly ramping up their screening processes for COVID-19, it’s critical to maintain existing hygiene standards and safety precautions. Informational signage can help remind visitors and employees to wash their hands properly and maintain social distancing; it’s also more important than ever to make sure everyone entering the premises has received a flu vaccination.
iPRO is offering a free support service to help aged care facilities adapt quickly to the new requirements.
Our immunisation compliance solution can help your facility keep track of flu immunisation records not only for employees, but also for the contractors and suppliers’ staff. We also offer additional compliance solutions including COVID-19 digital screening via our check-in App.
Find out more by contacting us here or email